As I write this, the rain continues to pour outside…apparently it’s the rain before the snow. The temperature has certainly dropped throughout the day so after strawing the cows this morning I decided to head inside and make the most of the wet weather.
Every January I set aside a rainy day to do something I love…marmalade making. I love the fact that the Seville orange season is so short – lasting about six weeks across January and February. Last week I took the opportunity to hunt down some of the oranges in Beccles and have kept them stored in the (very) cold porch until now.

Part of the reason I love making it so much is because of the “Magic” marmalade cutter that has been passed down to me. It makes the job so much easier. I also adore the smell and sound of the orange mixture bubbling away on the hob – so much so that it gradually steams up the kitchen windows.

Last January I made a handful of jars using a couple of kilos. This year I have gone all out and am making my way through 10 kilos of oranges – a task I partially wish I hadn’t started!

The first batch – currently nearing the end of it’s two-hour simmer – has been made to Delia Smith’s Traditional Seville Orange Marmalade recipe, the one I think I used last year. This uses 2kg of preserving sugar for every 1kg of oranges. With the next batch I’m going to attempt a different recipe – as well as maybe a third and fourth – to eventually blind taste test…reviews to follow! And, if anyone has any suggestions for tried and tested recipes do forward them on and I’ll give them a go.
We for sure want to taste your wonderful Marmelade next time we’re over in beautiful Norfolk… Save us a jar, please!
There is a jar with your name on it!