For the past few mornings I’ve woken up to a blanket of mist covering the farm. For the first couple of days it cleared as the sun rose, however today it lingered until the sun set.

Accompanying the mist there have been equally impressive sunrises and sunsets. Because the air has been so clear the skies have been magnificent. I’m a bit of a sucker for a sunset photo so have been eagerly snapping away – mostly capturing sunrises.

When I take the dogs out in the morning the sun is generally rising so I always head out with either my iPhone or digital SLR. It’s normally to take photos of them but more recently it’s been of the landscape.

The two dogs haven’t completely escaped the lens though, I managed to get this snap of the youngest puppy (6 months old) before she ran off onto the ice-covered pond – much to her bemusement!
Tonight, we are doing what we normally do on January 25 – getting ready to sit down for a supper of Haggis, neeps and tatties. Being an eighth Scottish, it has to do done, right? Plus, haggis is one of my favourite foods, it’s just so tasty! Tonight we had it with a creamy mushroom sauce – not much to look at and not something you’d want that regularly for supper but delicious nonetheless.