Our herd has expanded, we are now the proud owners of Primrose and her son Felix, a six-week old bull.
Quite simply they are gorgeous.

Hours after they arrived Primrose, a pedigree Hereford, had firmly installed herself as matriarch of the group and Felix was accepted by the herd.
They really have brought a lot of positivity to the farm.
Straight away you could tell that Felix (he came with the name) was a very independent and strong bull.

On day two he had already negotiated an escape from the paddock but quickly snuck back in when he saw me.

The plan is to keep him as a breeding bull if he develops into what we hope will be a strong and beautiful beast.
Day by day he noticeably grows becomes that little bit more headstrong. It really is wonderful to see them growing together as a herd and enjoying endless amounts of lush grass in the sunshine.