Cattle · Farm life

The cows head outside for summer…

This week felt a long time coming, but it eventually arrived.

It was the joyous week when the cows were moved outside for the summer, and this year, it was a little later than usual.

Later, because the grass decided it wasn’t too keen on growing. It wasn’t wet enough and there weren’t enough nutrients in the ground.

So, a month or so ago, we had the grass treated with a general fertiliser and since then it’s properly sprung into life.

After a winter in the cattle sheds the cows had been keen to move outside for a few weeks, they can smell the grass growing and get itchy hooves!

We decided to move them outside – in between the rain – earlier this week and it’s just wonderful to see their reaction to being on grass again.

It starts with stunned surprise and moves to sheer joy and then greediness! This is the moment we put the first two out – mother and son.

Now they are out they are basking in the glory of being surrounded by long, lush grass.

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