Cooking · Country life · Isolation

Isolation forces freezer adventures to continue…

…you know you’ve got too much time on your hands when you make an inventory of your freezer – yes that’s actually happened, I did that – and guess what, I rather enjoyed it! We all know that most of us have no idea what’s in there and it’s true to say I didn’t. Who… Continue reading Isolation forces freezer adventures to continue…

Cooking · Gardening · Isolation

Isolation on the farm…

…isn’t, in reality, much different to normal life here. There’s one big exception though and that is the fact that I currently have no work. Being self-employed, and working mostly with events, means that I no longer have an income stream whilst the Covid-19 pandemic unveils itself. Of course I’m nervous about what the future… Continue reading Isolation on the farm…

Baking · Cooking · Food & Drink

My adventures into the world of sourdough…

A few months ago I met a wonderful woman who, in an instant, I felt I’d known a lifetime. There were many memorable things about her but most notably it was the fact that she was carrying her sourdough starter with her in her handbag (…it’s a long story). She immediately inspired me to start… Continue reading My adventures into the world of sourdough…

Country life · Countryside · Dog walks · Norfolk

I have a new love and I don’t mind shouting about it…

…footpaths. Yep, I’ve officially hit middle age and I’ve a new love for footpaths. Having spent my formative years in the Sea Scouts I’d forgotten how satisfying it is to open a paper Ordnance Survey map and trundle across the countryside. It offers up a whole new world to anyone wishing to dive right in. It… Continue reading I have a new love and I don’t mind shouting about it…