Beef · Cattle · Cooking · Food & Drink · Great British Beef Week

Celebrating beef with homemade bresaola

Every year, St George’s Day marks the start of Great British Beef Week. Running for seven days, the celebration promotes our great British beef industry and champions the role of beef within a healthy and balanced diet. As a guardian of cattle, I fervently believe that events like this are integral to supporting the wider… Continue reading Celebrating beef with homemade bresaola

Cattle · Farm life

The cows head outside for summer…

This week felt a long time coming, but it eventually arrived. It was the joyous week when the cows were moved outside for the summer, and this year, it was a little later than usual. Later, because the grass decided it wasn’t too keen on growing. It wasn’t wet enough and there weren’t enough nutrients in… Continue reading The cows head outside for summer…

Cattle · Country life

The cows head back outside…

Today started early, with preparations to move the Highland cattle outside for the summer. After de-hitching the harrow and attaching the stock trailer to the tractor I had the opportunity to practice my reversing skills (or lack of them) with the trailer attached. Having done a bit of trailer reversing on Cromer beach (complete with fishing boat)… Continue reading The cows head back outside…

Beef · Cattle · Cooking

Beef – our cutting list for the butcher…

For me, steak on a Saturday night is something I revere and a proper treat (and yes it always tastes better on a Saturday). Not only because a tasty steak can’t be beaten but because ours are home grown. All of our cattle spend the majority of the year outside – growing slowly in order to produce the best meat. Now,… Continue reading Beef – our cutting list for the butcher…


Rain forces marmalade production to begin…

As I write this, the rain continues to pour outside…apparently it’s the rain before the snow. The temperature has certainly dropped throughout the day so after strawing the cows this morning I decided to head inside and make the most of the wet weather. Every January I set aside a rainy day to do something I love…marmalade… Continue reading Rain forces marmalade production to begin…