Cooking · Food & Drink · Foraging · Kitchen garden

My culinary life has changed forever thanks to fig leaf syrup…

Occasionally things happen in life that are so memorable they stay with you forever. It might not be anything big or fancy, it may just be a fleeting experience that moves you in some shape or form. …a dance with a stranger in a backstreet bar, a random act of kindness in the supermarket, a… Continue reading My culinary life has changed forever thanks to fig leaf syrup…

Cooking · Country life · Isolation

Isolation forces freezer adventures to continue…

…you know you’ve got too much time on your hands when you make an inventory of your freezer – yes that’s actually happened, I did that – and guess what, I rather enjoyed it! We all know that most of us have no idea what’s in there and it’s true to say I didn’t. Who… Continue reading Isolation forces freezer adventures to continue…

Cooking · Gardening · Isolation

Isolation on the farm…

…isn’t, in reality, much different to normal life here. There’s one big exception though and that is the fact that I currently have no work. Being self-employed, and working mostly with events, means that I no longer have an income stream whilst the Covid-19 pandemic unveils itself. Of course I’m nervous about what the future… Continue reading Isolation on the farm…

Baking · Cooking · Food & Drink

My adventures into the world of sourdough…

A few months ago I met a wonderful woman who, in an instant, I felt I’d known a lifetime. There were many memorable things about her but most notably it was the fact that she was carrying her sourdough starter with her in her handbag (…it’s a long story). She immediately inspired me to start… Continue reading My adventures into the world of sourdough…

Baking · Cooking · Food & Drink · Great British Bake Off

Would my souffles rise to the occasion…

The day I thought would never arrive was here – it was the grand finale of The Great British Bake Off. For the past ten weeks I have baked (and occasionally cooked) my way through nine technical challenges – I’ll not lie it has felt like a lifetime. At times it has been emotional, at… Continue reading Would my souffles rise to the occasion…