Country life · Countryside · Dog walks · Nature · Norfolk

A February morning on the farm…

As February gathers momentum we’ve had some wet and windy mornings but we’ve also had some frosty, misty and bright mornings. These are the mornings when going outside isn’t a chore. The air is still, the sky is full of optimism and the ground is crispy and crunchy underfoot. And, it’s not just me that… Continue reading A February morning on the farm…

Gardening · Kitchen garden · Nature

February, what do you have in store…

On January 1 I always start with good intentions for the year ahead – it always involves being more healthy, more organised and more proactive – but due to a stinking cold and various other factors January has been a bit of a wipe out. It’s for that reason I’m resolving to do all of… Continue reading February, what do you have in store…

Country life · Norfolk · Sunset

An African sunset in Norfolk…

Today has been a strange one weather wise. Having spent most of it outside preparing the garden for winter and listening to news of approaching Storm Ophelia, the sky suddenly darkened… …the sun went red and a misty haze enveloped the landscape. Apparently this was Storm Ophelia blowing Sahara sands across the region. I’ve never… Continue reading An African sunset in Norfolk…

Country life · Harvest · Nature · Sunset

What a glorious day…

This morning it was blustery, and I mean b-lustery – it has been for days. The summer has seemingly disappeared to be replaced with more autumnal-like weather here in south Norfolk. Today I’d resigned myself to a day of indoor tasks, when mid-afternoon the clouds parted and the sun shone. Simultaneously I could hear the combine… Continue reading What a glorious day…