Cattle · Country life · Winter

The cattle move inside for winter…

The cattle, who have spent the spring, summer and autumn out in the paddocks, are now inside for winter. Now, this movement is normally pretty challenging, but this year it went like a dream. In the past the difficulty has been the Highland cattle – they are temperamental, stroppy, strong willed and normally want to… Continue reading The cattle move inside for winter…

Cooking · Food & Drink · Winter

The beauty of festive food…

For me, Christmas is as much a time for beautiful food and drink as it is for wonderful company. It’s a time when quality time spent with family and friends is coupled with indulgent, traditional and richly festive foods. Many of these are firm family favourites linked as much to winter as to Christmas itself. My top picks have got to be:… Continue reading The beauty of festive food…

Cattle · Country life · Gardening · Sunset · Winter

What Novembers were made for…

Today the sun shone, the birds sung and the sky has been bright and wonderful. Here in Norfolk it has been simply glorious – November please remain this way… The morning dog walk started with crispy leaves underfoot on what was the first proper frost of the winter here in south Norfolk. As I made my… Continue reading What Novembers were made for…

Country life · Gardening

Planting hyacinth bulbs for Christmas…

Without wanting to talk about the festive season too early, there is one festive thing I like to start in October and that is planting hyacinth bulbs for indoor blooms at Christmas. Now, Christmas in our house isn’t a very big affair, and what decorations we do have are mostly plant-based (apart from the pet-proof wooden… Continue reading Planting hyacinth bulbs for Christmas…

Cooking · Country life

Haggis, neeps & tatties and misty morning starts…

For the past few mornings I’ve woken up to a blanket of mist covering the farm. For the first couple of days it cleared as the sun rose, however today it lingered until the sun set. Accompanying the mist there have been equally impressive sunrises and sunsets. Because the air has been so clear the skies have been magnificent.… Continue reading Haggis, neeps & tatties and misty morning starts…