Being a Norfolk girl through and through the county is in my blood. I love its variety, its passion for agriculture and the bucolic life it offers.
Across Norfolk today, lambs are currently popping up and springing into life.
On our farm we raise cattle so over the weekend I headed out to speak to a Norfolk farmer about this year’s lambing season. I wanted to get an idea about how it works and what’s involved.
Here is what he said…
We lamb our sheep in three separate blocks:
- The early flock
- The main flock
- The late flock
The early flock have been in the lambing sheds for nearly three weeks.
160 have already lambed with great ease and have needed very little assistance.
There are only 12 left to lamb.
The sheds will then be mucked out washed down and made ready for the main flock.
The main flock will be starting to lamb hopefully in the next 10 days.
Our late lambing flock lamb outside mostly in April when the spring sunshine (hopefully) aids in not having to bring them inside.